Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ferry back to Reality

Becky and I had a great weekend on the Island. the exhibition was well attended; it was the final week of the season, and the chill of fall was in the air. The prints looked well in their white mats, and the stories were on tables in booklets; the room became like a library; once people had looked at the prints and read the biographical info on the tags, they became absorbed in the stories behind the faces. All "our" Islanders came to see it, and left with their own print portrait. Becky and I will now endeavor to get the Exhibition shown in venues around the state, and Beyond!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Always good to hang out with Momma and Daddy. L'aissez les bon temps roulez!

Stylin' Part 2

Bruce and Tom went to an Outlet Mall and made good use of their time. Tom is ready for anything now!


We went to the Post Office and then had our traditional Wander through Wal-mart. Once upon a time we pushed kids in carts through that place, now it's just us.


It was good to visit family, a whirlwind trip of a little over a week. We couldn't get enough Mexican Food! I finally got smart and ordered an empty plate at one restaurant, getting donations from everyone else. And we still had enough to take home to make a good lunch the next day.

Here we are at Paul's Seafood Restaurant. Paul, we were thinking about you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Great Cranberry Island Portrait Project

Here I am taking reference photos for my Portrait Project on Great Cranberry Island. The seven islanders my Photo-Journalist partner, Becky Buyers-Basso, and I contacted were so very gracious. They let me sketch and take reference photos for my linoleum prints, and answered Becky's questions for the story she will write to go with each portrait in a forthcoming exhibition.
Becky and I are Residents with the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation on the Island. The Foundation brings artists from all over the country to the island. The artists are inspired by the landscape/seascape of the island, but I want to capture the other part of the picture...the People! And I will.